A Thanksgiving Feast with Friends and Family

This post is mainly photos! A scrap booking of sorts for my own personal enjoyment. Of course, I’m hoping you enjoy the images and sentiments as well. 🙂

I have an awesome crew of friends and family in my life here in Nashville. A beautiful, talented, dynamic and creative group of humans that I’m so thankful for in every way. This years Thanksgiving Feast took place in my dear friends’ beautiful and most cheery East Nashville home complete with the most incredible antipasti appetizers, 2 massive and perfectly cooked turkeys, pot luck style side dishes galore,  4 amazing kids and an enthusiastic pack of dogs! 

Gatherings like these are always worth remembering. The laughter, the tears,the toasts, the kids all signing and running and screaming with joy, the feelings of community, support and love. 

I can never get enough of it. Happy Holidays! 

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